Research Projects,
Organisation of Conferences,
International Research Networks
ongoing | Focuses of Research: Ambiguity and Resistance, Solidarities and Alliances - Diversity, Recognition and Critique of Discriminatory Structures - Theory_Practice as an epistemic-political concept / Rethinking Difference |
2021–2022 | Book project (in coop. with Sybille Wiedmann): Diversity – Impulse für die Beratungspraxis. Minihandbuch für diversitätsbewusstes und diskriminierungskritisches Arbeiten in Supervision, Coaching, Beratung und Bildung. Weinheim: Beltz 2022 |
2019–.. | Co-Conceptualisation and Organisation of Conferences in Coachingnetz-Wissenschaft |
2018–2024 | Co-Conceptualisation and practical Implementation of Training Programmes on Topics of Diversity and Antidiscrimination for Public Authorities and Institutions |
2016–2017 | Conceptualization and Organization of the public lecture & debate series "on debate - differences . alliances . empowerment" at berlin weissensee academy of art. (Cooperation: deapartments of Theory&History, Grundlagen, Kunsthalle, AStA and *foundationClass for refugees). October 2016 - February 2017 - Programm |
2016–2017 | Conceptualization and organization of the Sommerwerkstatt (summer workshop conference) 2017 of Gender_Diversity Fachverbands (Cooperation: Gender_Diversity Fachverband für gender_diversity-kompetente Bildung und Beratung e.V. and Hochschule Neubrandenburg): Kritische Perspektiven auf privilegierte Positionen: Critical Whiteness; 29. Juni-1.Juli 2017, Hochschule Neubrandenburg |
2016 | Conceptualization and organization of the Sommerwerkstatt (summer workshop conference) 2016 of Gender_Diversity Fachverbands (Cooperation: Gender_Diversity Fachverband für gender_diversity-kompetente Bildung und Beratung e.V. and Hochschule Neubrandenburg) zum Thema Gender, Flucht, Migration; 14.-16.Juli 2016, Hochschule Neubrandenburg |
2015–2017 | Conceptualization and development of a Curriculum for a Master and a PhD-Program (PhD in Practice) at weissensee kunsthochschule berlin with internaional partners |
2014–2016 | Conceptualization and development of an extra occupational Advanced Training Curriculum Gender_Diversity (Cooperation: Gender Diversity Fachverband für gender-kompetente Bildung und Beratung e.V.) |
Since 2013 | Conceptualization, development and establishment of an interdisciplinary Research and Coaching Network and of an international platform for research an coaching/consulting on „Theory_Practice / Diversity“ (in cooperation with Gender_Diversity Fachverband für gender_diversity-kompetente Bildung und Beratung e.V. and the ÖGGF/Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Geschlechterforschung) |
2009–2011 |
Conceptualization and
organization of the international and interdisciplinary Research
Project "Communicating artistic_scientific_ research 2.0 [X.0]",
Graz / Vienna / New York |
Since 2005 | Conceptualization, development and establishment of a european interdisciplinary research network and of an international platform of research on the subject of „The Visual as Political / Visuelle Kulturen im Feld des Politischen“ (international cooperations) |
2006–2007 | Conceptualization and organization of the international and interdisciplinary symposion „The Visual as Political / Kritische Analyse visueller Kulturen als Wissens- und Realitätsproduktionen“ 2007, international cooperations; Vienna 11 / 2007 |
2005–2006 | Conceptualization and organization of the international and interdisciplinary symposion „The Visual as Political/Visuelle Kulturen im Feld des Politischen“, in cooperation with Susanne Regener / University of Kopenhagen (Denkmark) / University of Siegen (Germany) and Brigitte Mayr / Synema, Gesellschaft für Film und Medien, Vienna 2 / 2006 |
2005–2008 | Co-conceptualization/consulting (as a member of board) for the Film- / Video- / HDTV-Studio of the University of Fine Arts (established in November 2005) |
2005–2006 | Conceptualization and organization of the Congress for Supervision, Coaching and Group Dynamics „Development . Change . Stability“ / Austrian Association for Group Therapy and Group Dynamics / ÖAGG, Vienna 10 / 2006 |
2001–2003 | Co-conceptualization (as a member of board) of the International Conference „Screenwise. Sites and Scenarios of Contemporary Feminist Film and TV Studies“ (organized by: Monika Bernold, Andrea Braidt, Claudia Preschl, Brigitte Mayer), in Vienna 5 / 2003 |
1999 | Conceptualization and organization of the conference “Cultural Studies: Definitions, Territories and Institutionalisation” (February 1999), in collaboration with Anette Baldauf, supported by the Ministery for Science and Research (Bundesministerium für Wissenschaft und Verkehr) |
1998–2003 | Research project (Austria and USA, Center for Twentieth Century Studies, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee): “agency@? Cyber-Diskurse, Subjektkonstituierung und Handlungsfähigkeit im Feld des Politischen. Entwurf einer kritischen Repräsentationstheorie am Beispiel aktueller medialer Dispositive“ (project to obtain postdoctoral qualification / venia legendi) Publication of the results of the research project at Böhlau Publishers in 2 / 2005 |
1993–1994 | Research project (media and communication studies): grant from the Austrian Federal Ministry of Women´s Affairs/Bundesministerium für Frauenangelegenheiten: “Frauen im Medien- und Kulturbetrieb. Zur Beschäftigungslage von Frauen als Kulturvermittlerinnen und -produzentinnen in der österreichischen Medien- und Kulturindustrie” (“Women in the Media and Cultural Industry”; in cooperation with M.-L. Angerer, Institut für Publizistik und Kommunikationswissenschaft der Universität Salzburg (Institute for Communication Studies, University of Salzburg) |
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